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community service 

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Chester County Food Bank - August 2024

The 2024 team took a break from preseason training to give back to the community by volunteering with the Chester County Food Bank.  Under the direction of food bank volunteers, the team decorated about 75 cardboard boxes which will be filled with food and distributed to senior citizens.  

Additionally, the team collected and donated 301lbs of much needed food and household items to be sorted and distributed at the food bank over the next couple weeks.  We learned that the Chester County Food Bank relies heavily on donations from the public for 85% of their distributions, while state and federal agencies contribute 15%.  To learn more about giving to the Chester County Food Bank, please visit

Sharpe's Woods Cleanup - April 2024

Members of the field hockey team gathered in Berwyn for the annual Sharp's Woods Cleanup to benefit the Darby Creek Watershed.  The team spent three hours picking up trash from the creek and the woods surrounding the creek.

Youth Field Hockey Clinic - May 2024

Conestoga Field Hockey hosts field hockey clinics for athletes in grades K-8 as a way to give back to the community and continue to grow the sport we all love.  The team volunteers their time to coach these younger players on Teamer Field twice a year.





















Reagan's Run 5k - September 2023

The team showed their support for the Rea of Hope for a Cure Foundation by running in the annual 5K.  This event raises awareness and funds for epilepsy research while honoring our neighbor, Reagan.  

Martha's Community Farm - August 2023

As part of the team's preseason activities, athletes and coaches volunteered their time at Martha's Community Farm weeding and mulching for the farm.  Martha's Community Farm provides the local food pantry with fresh produce staples for guests, including tomatillos, and peppers.

T&E Care Gift Card Drive for the Holidays

In another effort to give back to our local community, Conestoga Field Hockey supports the efforts of T&E Care in their Holiday Gift Card Drive.  The need in our area is greater than ever, and T&E Care provides gift cards to an increasing number of families during the holiday season.

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Go 4 the Goal Holiday Gift Baskets
Players assembled holiday gift baskets for children with cancer and
in hospitals for the holidays.
Equipment Drives

Conestoga Field Hockey is also participating in the So Field Hockey equipment drive.  So Sports Foundation has a mission to increase the visibility, affordability and accessibility of field hockey.  Stoga players are collecting sticks, goggles, shin guards and stick bags for the drive.  The equipment collected from the drive will be refurbished and upcycled to players and programs in need.

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School Supplies for T&E Cares

On June 2nd, Conestoga Field Hockey players along with assistant coach Jean Allen helped to deliver and organize donated school supplies for children in need for T&E cares.  

National Vietnam War Veterans Day

On March 29th, members of the hockey team partnered with the Daughters of the American Revolution to provide desserts and thank you cards to honor Vietnam Veterans for their service and sacrifice at the Trappe VFW.  March 29th was the 5th Anniversary of National Vietnam War Veterans Day and the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemoration.

Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer

On September 21st, Conestoga and Strath Haven helped raise contributions and awareness for pediatric cancer in their "Lace Up" game.  Both teams raised money both before and during the game. In addition, both teams wore gold laces that night - the color representing pediatric cancer. Conestoga raised more than $7500 that went directly to support local families dealing with these devastating illnesses.   

Cradles to Crayons

On August 27th, Conestoga Field Hockey players helped to sort clothes and prepare and organize backpacks for children in need in the Philadelphia area.  

Perkiomen Watershed Cleanup Day 

Members of Conestoga Field Hockey team participated in the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy’s Annual Stream Cleanup on April 10th 2021.  The players spent three hours cleaning up the Schuylkill River during the Conservacy's annual clean up day.

Fast Flicks Clinics

Conestoga Field Hockey has given back to the field hockey community in our area by volunteering their time to run clinics with the Fast Flicks Field Hockey Program.  Our players worked with Fast Flicks players in grades 1-6 in order to strengthen interest and enthusiasm for the sport they love.  

Growing the Greatest Game

Stoga Hockey is also proud to support Growing the Greatest Game - a national initiative to measurably grow field hockey with inclusion and diversity at its core.  To learn more and to donate, go to:

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